How does fostering make a difference?

The ESPCA’s mission is to provide compassionate care to companion animals awaiting adoption, with a vision to end pet overpopulation and create a community of responsible pet ownership. By fostering, you can contribute a great deal towards making that a reality.

Each animal transferred out of Enid Animal Welfare or surrendered from the community and brought into our foster program (and into a foster home) is another life saved. Every animal removed from Enid Animal Welfare makes room for another animal there, decreasing the overall need for euthanasia. Each animal accepted into our foster program is spayed or neutered, ensuring that that animal will not be contributing to the overpopulation of pets in our community.

As a foster parent, you can prepare each foster pet for success in their life after adoption. During their time in your home, foster pets have the chance to learn how to be a part of a family. They learn manners, routines, and how to love.

Foster Information

The ESPCA needs foster homes in the community to provide temporary care, shelter, and love for the animals in the foster program. We provide all medical care, including vaccines, deworming, microchipping, flea control, and spay/neuter surgery. We set foster families up with a crate for their foster, toys, and help with food if needed. Foster homes allow us to continue to save animals even when our kennels are full. The more foster homes available, the more animals can be saved!

The time commitment varies depending on the age and circumstances of the animal. It is possible for puppies to be in foster around 10 days. However, 2-3 weeks is about the average length of time unless you are fostering a mama and babies.

The ESPCA provides each foster home with:

  • Medical care
  • A crate, toys, and food
  • Our Foster Coordinator is there to help you every step of the way
  • Inclusion in our online community of fosters and volunteers

Your responsibilities as a foster are pretty simple:

  • Provide basic care (food, water, and a safe place to stay) for the animal until it is adopted or returned to the ESPCA.
  • Transport the animal to the ESPCA for vaccinations, etc.
  • Bring your foster animal to the ESPCA and/or outreach events until they are adopted.
  • Most importantly, you give each foster love

What type of animal can I foster?

The ESPCA’s foster program accepts all types of dogs, puppies, nursing mama dogs, nursing mama cats with babies, and kittens, and each one needs a foster family to help prepare them for a new home. Our Foster Coordinator will work with you to ensure that you can foster animals that you are comfortable with and fit into your home well. If you love to foster puppies, we’ll find puppies for you. If you’d rather foster kittens, then that’s what you will be able to foster.

Contact Us

To get started, please fill out the foster application below. Our foster coordinator will contact you as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have and complete the needed paperwork. You’ll be welcoming a foster pet into your home in no time! We’re always here to help (580)233-1325.


The Enid SPCA is a registered non-profit agency. All donations are tax-deductible. It is not associated with the ASPCA or any national/state agency and relies solely on donations.

Please consider a monetary donation to assist with caring for the animals staying with us until they find homes.

The Enid SPCA does not and shall not discriminate in employment practices or services based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, marital status, mental or physical ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



1116 Overland Trail
Enid, OK  73703

EIN: 73-1546461

Closed Sunday and Monday
Tuesday - Friday 11:00-5:00
Saturday 11:00-3:00

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1116 Overland Trail
Enid, OK  73703

EIN: 73-1546461

Closed Sunday and Monday
Tuesday - Friday 11:00-5:00
Saturday 11:00-3:00


The Enid SPCA is a registered non-profit agency. All donations are tax-deductible. It is not associated with the ASPCA or any national/state agency and relies solely on donations.

Please consider a monetary donation to assist with caring for the animals staying with us until they find homes.

The Enid SPCA does not and shall not discriminate in employment practices or services based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, marital status, mental or physical ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

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